Using States

Quick example on how to use States.

All examples are for the Paper platform, but it should be similar if not identical in other platforms.

Kotlin examples require the dev.triumphteam:triumph-gui-<platform>-kotlin:<version> dependency.

#Adding state

A quick explanation of a State is that it's an object that can be "tied" to a Component which when modifier cause the component to re-render.

Let's take the previous example and add some a state to it. We can create a state that'll keep track of how many times a player has clicked on the item.

final var gui = Gui.of(1)
        .title(Component.text("Cookie clicker!"))
        .component(component -> { // This time we want a normal component

            // We tell the component to remember the starting value `0`
            // Which will return a MutableState<Integer> that can be used in the render function of the component
            final var clicks = component.remember(0);

            // Here is where the component will be rendered
            component.render(container -> {

                // Like before, we set the item in the middle of the inventory
                // Let's also change the item to a COOKIE
                container.setItem(1, 5, ItemBuilder.from(Material.COOKIE)
                        // We append the value of the clicks state to the name of the item
                        .name(Component.text("Clicked " + clicks.get() + " times!"))
                        .asGuiItem((player, context) -> {
                            // Now we update the clicks state by adding 1 to the previous amount
                            clicks.update(previous -> previous + 1);
val gui = buildGui {
    // If not set, defaults to chest - 1 row
    // So in this case this wouldn't be needed, leaving it here as an example
    containerType = chestContainer {
        rows = 1

    title(Component.text("Cookie clicker!"))

    // We use stateless since we don't need any updates for this example
    component {

        // We tell the component to remember the starting value `0`
        // Which will return a MutableState<Integer> that can be used in the render function of the component
        var clicks by remember(0)

        // Here is where the component will be rendered
        render { container ->

            // Like before, we set the item in the middle of the inventory
            // Let's also change the item to a COOKIE
            container[1, 5] = ItemBuilder.from(Material.DIAMOND)
                .name(Component.text("Clicked $clicks times!"))
                .asGuiItem { _, _ ->
                    // Now we increase the clicks state by 1

Congratulations you have built the most simple cookie clicker game!
But we can improve it even more, let's add title updating into the mix, read more in here.

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