
Simple GUI that allows you to have multiple pages and navigate between them.

#Paginated GUI

#Creating a Paginated GUI

To create a Paginated GUI all you need to do is:

// Main constructor
PaginatedGui gui = Gui.paginated()
        .title(Component.text("GUI Title!"))
        .pageSize(45) // Set the size you want, or leave it to be automatic.

If the pagesize is not set, the lib will calculate the size when opening the GUI.
In this example we use pageSize 45

#Creating the navigation

To create the navigation items we can simply do:

// Previous item
paginatedGui.setItem(6, 3, ItemBuilder.from(Material.PAPER).setName("Previous").asGuiItem(event -> paginatedGui.previous()));
// Next item
paginatedGui.setItem(6, 7, ItemBuilder.from(Material.PAPER).setName("Next").asGuiItem(event ->;

It is recommended to add a default click action to your GUI to cancel the click when working with pagination, if not, make sure to cancel the click before calling PaginatedGui#next/previous.

#Populating the page

To add items to the page once again we use the PaginatedGui#addItem which takes a GuiItem.
Items added with PaginatedGui#setItem will not be counted towards the page but as static GUI items.

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