Custom Senders

Custom senders creation and registration.

#Creating a simple sender

public class MySender {}

#Creating a SenderValidator

Sender Validators are used for pre-command checks.

public class MySenderValidator implements SenderValidator<MySender> {

    // This method is used when registering, it'll check if the sender declared in the command method is valid or not
    public @NotNull Set<Class<? extends MySender>> getAllowedSenders() {
        return Collections.singleton(MySender.class);

    public boolean validate(final @NotNull MessageRegistry<MySender> messageRegistry, final @NotNull SubCommand<MySender> subCommand, final @NotNull MySender sender) {
        // Do any checks you want here, for example, on Bukkit this is where it checks if the subcommand is console only, or player only, etc.
        // Return true if valid, false, if not, use the message registry to send messages to the player if you want
        return false;

Now you can either make a custom SenderMapper or just use lambda. If you're not using lambda, then make sure you specify the correct senders. If you're using lambda it will be a little easier.

class MyMapper implements SenderMapper<CommandSender, MySender>

Now time to create the command manager. We will be using the BukkitCommandManager for this example.

final BukkitCommandManager<MySender> manager = BukkitCommandManager.create(
        defaultSender -> new MySender(), // The mapping of the sender, pass a new instance if you don't want lambda
        new MySenderValidator() // Validator

That is all! You can now register a new command with your custom sender.

class MyCommand extends BaseCommand {

	public void executor(MySender sender) {
		// Code to be executed

You can learn how to create and register commands here.

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