
Argument Suggestions


Suggestions, as the name suggests, allow for command inputs to be suggested to the user based on the argument required.

#Registering suggestions

There are two ways to register suggestions: The first way is to register by Class type. This will make all arguments using the class type use the suggestion resolver. The second way is to register by using a SuggestionKey. This will only resolve suggestion when parameters are annotated with @Suggestion. Both of these methods will have a second parameter of a lambda that has 2 parameters of the Sender object, alongside the SuggestionContext and will return a List<String>.

#Registering by Class

commandManager.registerSuggestion(LocalDate.class, (sender, context) -> List.of(, LocalDate.EPOCH)); // suggest today's date and epoch date

That's all for registering with class types! Now this will be the default suggestion resolver for LocalDate arguments.

#Registering with Suggestion Keys

commandManager.registerSuggestion(SuggestionKey.of("formatted-dates"), (sender, context) -> {
    var pattern = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd/MM/yyyy");
    return Stream.of(, LocalDate.EPOCH).map(pattern::format).toList(); // suggest dates in a different format

Now that the suggestion is registered, we must annotate the argument.

void execute(Sender sender, @Suggestion("formatted-dates") LocalDate date) {
    // command logic here
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