
Command argument declaration and options.

#Named Arguments

Named arguments allow for arguments to be named. So instead of a command being /foo bar baz 1, this will allow for /foo bar string:baz, number:1. This also allows for arguments to be inputted in any order!

#Example of Named Arguments

Firstly, we must register the named arguments CommandManager#registerNamedArguments either takes a varag of Arguments or a List<Argument>.

commandManager.registerNamedArguments(ArgumentKey.of("example"), // the key of the argument
    Argument.forString().name("string").build(), // a description and suggestion can also be set in the argument builder!

Now we need to setup our command:

void execute(Sender sender, Arguments arguments) {
    println("string=" + arguments.get("string", String.class).get() + ", number=" + arguments.get("number", int.class).get()); // outputs string=baz, number=1
    // this is just an example, please dont use Optional#get without checking if the value is present/empty first!
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